
The possibilities become more interesting when you think beyond werewolves.

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Could this be our introduction to an entirely new Were-world”?!? My kind of immersive reading enjoyment!!!

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Even if were-‘cycles were real, I'd wager regular motorcycles would still be more statistically likely to kill or maim you.

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This is a fun story!

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Lycanthropes, were society and were cycles were all new words to me - very creative, David!

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Great concept of the were-cycles and make for interesting future episodes and stories!

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This was a really fun read, keep it up!

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Boy did I get some giggles out of this story. Thank you for making my Sunday. Hmmm, Sunday with butterscotch and slivered almonds on top. I want a were-sundae!

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I keep getting the songs “Candy Girl” (no) and “Sunday Girl” (YES!!!) confused in my rickety old mind so that the lyrics to one are sung in the other and I hear “Candy Girl” being sung to THAT tune by Blondie every time I read “Candy Girl” in one of your stories. Which is almost as bad as not being able to pronounce Berberus in my head every time I hear her bark. I need some superhero help. The were- thing just...

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I'm just blown away by the similarities between our writing styles. Like, you write fiction and I write nonfiction, but our punctuation and sentence structures are the same. Freaking awesome!

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