This from the opening paragraph captured me: "Nobody wants to go around, living their lives and what not, and discovering that they actually didn’t do the things they thought they did."

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Imagine the shock of the Jet Puffed Girls when the director told them they were not real and the universe they had come from was a fabrication!

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"In any event, there are only three Jet Puffed Girls in the world now, and there always will be." Which world? :)

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This has humor written all over it:

“Because we are the Jet Puffed Girls,” came Britomart’s answer. “The real ones.”

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This is different, and bizarre, and I love it! I'll have to read more to understand if these are proto-screenplays, or conceptual pieces, or the inspiration for your animation, or all of it... looking forward to reading more!

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