Waiting is the worst! Second that

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I think many writers will relate to this. It's maddening not knowing exactly why something is rejected, as sometimes there is literally nothing wrong with the writing but there's something else similar they've recently taken on, or are representing, or whatever. At the same time, I understand why agents/editors/publishers can't get into personal conversation in most cases.

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I agree, rather than a form rejection letter they should at least offer a concrete reason. They are doing writers a disservice by sending out form letters.

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Totally agree. On the other hand, I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with submissions at Fanfare, so I see it from both sides. Too bad there's not a way to cut to the front if you clearly know what you're doing. :)

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The lack of responses is def a major turn off - but I guess it's because they get a gazillion submissions and can't answer everyone of them? But yes, a response would be appreciated

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Good one, David 👏

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Waiting is one reason I got fed up with traditional publishing. All that work to sell yourself and your passion and then months of waiting for a likely rejection. At least with self-publishing, I can fail on my own timeline, haha!

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OMG....I felt the pain of every word, David and I resonate [sigh] ... and so we continue to work on our patience muscle and play the waiting game. I wonder if that's why online blogging spaces are becoming more popular?

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I feel you. It's hard to stay motivated with query letters when you feel like you're chucking them all into a black hole.

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"All of which is largely code for: You suck, we hate you, and we don’t want you among our ranks."

100% hearing that all the time. Even if I haven't sent anything. Even if what I've written remains in my own digital domain.

Humans are creatures that require feedback, but some of us need it more than others. Personally, I feel stuck if I don't know what to improve or what to do less of. "It's good" feels disingenuous and "It's bad" is too general.

The waiting part only feeds into the psychological self torture and mental deprication.

You've truly hit the head on the nail with this one.

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I feel this way all the time. I am not one who writes tor a living, I would be homeless if I did. I am one who is trying to be someone who writes for a living amd all my failures indicate that I will never be that type of writers.

I won't quit trying, at least not until my mental faculties give way, but it does get harder to continue. The form letters are what they are. The ones I hate are the one that say the story didn't fit theorguidelines or what they were looking for, even though it fit the very definition of what they said they wanted and you painstakingly made sure you followed their guidelines to the letter.

Maybe one day we will succeed in our endeavors, but until we just endure.

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Waiting is a drag. Feels like time used to doubt and question one’s work. What’s the remedy for it?

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