
She's an older creation of mine, just like my other ones, getting a new life here...

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She is a fictional character. Unless otherwise noted, when I write about superheroes, it's fiction.

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May 30Liked by David Perlmutter

Love this imaginative story...Oh wait! She is a made-up character, right? You wrote her so well,. I hope I never run into her! :-)

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David, first I love the feel, quick flow, less dense style. It was an easy and fun read. It really does feel like a whole new world. And then, laughed at this line:

"Do you wish to be the fastest, strongest and smartest one of your kind on Earth?" WHO DOESN'T?

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Let’s go!

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Tune -Ism indeed :)

Glad to make the acquaintance of Olivia - and Gridiron Girl and Jester

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A female adolescent Hancock sans anger management & sans alcoholism ! The guy could be Ray.

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Ah she's amazing. I can imagine a lot of children of my generation finding their own version of Tune-Ism. When I was a kid I convinced a little friend of mine that I was actually a fairy and I took him to fairy land. (He had to hold my hand and close his eyes while I took him up a hedgerow entry at the back of my garden.) Then I told him to open his eyes and he would see all the fairies. He totally went along with me and I loved him for that. Sad we have to grow up.

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Oh, dear, asking spirits for powers. That usually ends badly. I just wrote about someone else's story like that and that's a plot point in one of my own as well.

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Great stuff. The name Dixon reminds me of Dixon Hill from Star Trek TNG

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This flows so well and bring you in so quickly, brilliant.

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Dear David, first of all, a huge thank you for supporting me. I have been extremely slow to fiction and yet there is so much great writing here!!! I thought of my near seven year old grandson and how he'd roar with laughter over this piece! It's a movie to me! Thank you again. oxox

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