A guest post by Cerberus, the world’s mightiest puppy:
Hello, humans! I say that because it would only be the likes of you who would accomplish a monstrous act as…
Oh, you don’t know what I mean? Check the link and then come back:
Okay. Now, you understand that this fate cannot necessarily befall me, given the superpowers and intelligence and whatnot I possess. But I am concerned. I knew nothing of this, and therefore could not intervene. Had I been able to get my paws on that ground- well, you get the idea.
This is yet another example of how cavalierly you value the life of myself and my fellow canines. It was bad enough that that idiotic politician was practically boasting about killing the one of us she had acquired- now I wake up and find this.
It’s the 21st century. We’re way beyond the period where you can just arbitrarily kill off animals just because you don’t want them. Do animal cruelty laws in that area not have any teeth? They certainly aren’t as sharp as mine:
You really don’t want to get me angry. I may be little, but I’m loud. And I’m powerful enough to destroy anything and anyone in my path if I wanted to!
But not all puppies are like that. Hence…
Just make sure I’m in the loop when this kind of crap breaks out, okay? It will save all of us a great deal of anguish, and….
Oops. It seems heroic duty is calling me….yet again…so I must get going. Take care, and heed my words… ‘Bye!
Thanks to Connie J. Casella for bringing the story to our attention.
More “fun” with Cerberus:
Cerebrus is a cute cuddly bundle of DOOM💖💖💖
This line on Cereberus made me smile in particular:
I know I don’t look like much to you. Me- a little runt of a Dalmatian puppy with big ears, really big blue eyes, a scrawny torso, clad in this little T-shirt with a “C” on it that could stand for practically anything. Not superhero material, you would say.
But I am.
"C" could be the t-shirt you wear for creative!